10100 S. 1300 East
Sandy, Utah 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked MIddle School Badge



Book Borrowing Procedures

  • Books can be borrowed for 3 weeks.  A due date sticker is placed on the back of the book
  • You may borrow up to 4 library books at a time
  • Lost or damaged books must be compensated
  • You may request books, place books on hold, and renew library books
  • You do not need a library card.  Your name,  QR code or student number will suffice
  • To borrow Nooks and Play-a-ways, this pdf form or a copy of the permission form needs to be signed by a guardian and the student

How to Use Destiny (Our Database)

To search by Lexile level follow these instructions.  You will also see the Lexile is shown in the search results:

Lexile level shown in Destiny Search, small pic

destiny.canyonsdistrict.org then choose your school, select “Catalog” -the top left tab on the screen.  Search for a book by keyword, title, author, subject, series or Lexile.  When you have found a book, write down the call number or place a hold on the book.  To find the book in our library, please utilize the information below.

Library Organization

The library is organized by color coded shelves. Red is graphic novel, orange is story collection (short story), teal is magazines, green is non-fiction, blue is fiction, pink is biography, purple is picture books, yellow is reference. The largest portion is the fiction section. It is organized alphabetically (by the first 3 letters of the author’s last name) and snakes up and down the aisles. The non-fiction section is our second largest selection of books and is organized by the Dewey decimal system also snaking up and down the aisles in numerical order.

Eastmont Library

This is a map of our library. Our book return locations are indicated, below the printers on either side of the circulation desks.  The fiction section (blue) on the east side is shown with the biography (pink) section splitting the non-fiction (green) from the fiction. The magazines, story collection, graphic novels, and easy books are in a corner and the Harry Potter reading nook in the opposite corner.  There is also a genre section, by the flag.

Book Requests

Book Request box

Instructions: Write your name on the paper and the book you are requesting then put it in the box. 

If you would like a book that we don’t currently have in our library, you may submit a book request into the book request box. Put your name on the request submission if you’d like to be the first student to borrow the new book if we are able to get it for you!

New Books

We put all the new books on the tops of the shelves so students will see the latest and greatest books and new purchases for students and teachers to borrow!  They also show up as “recently added books” in our destiny discover database catalog.

Lunch Passes

lunch passes

* Lunch passes will be inside the lunch pass container on the circulation counter.  Lunch passes can be borrowed by students before school and during passing periods each morning before 4th period begins–if the library is available during lunch that day
* The passes are to be used on the same day as they are borrowed
* A lunch passes are yellow, B lunch passes are blue
* Students are to go to the lunchroom and have lunch before coming to the library.  Computers are available 10 minutes after lunch time (giving students at least 10 minutes to eat)
* The passes serve as a hall pass for students to go to the library and are put in the “book return” once the student enters the library
* Students stay in the library until the end of the lunch period (if the restroom is needed, students go there before entering the library)
* Quiet voices and appropriate behavior is expected (food, drinks and electronic devices used outside library)

Estimation Jar

Estimation Jar

We have an estimation jar in the library and each month we fill it with something new. Every time a student borrows a book, they can fill out an estimation slip (write their name and their estimation).  At the end of the month the student with the nearest amount wins the contest (and either what’s in the jar or a book or poster).

Lego Maker Space Challenge
Zen Garden Maker Space
More Maker Space items: jenga, Makey Makey, Squishy circuits, etc.

Problem Solving

Here are some problem solving steps from the Big 6:  https://thebig6.org/

                 1 – Task Definition – What is the task?  What do I need to complete the task?
                 2 – Information Seeking Strategies – What are the best possible sources?
                 3 – Location and Access – Where is each source located?  How do I access it?
                 4 – Use of Information – How can I extract the best information from the source?
                 5 – Synthesis – How can I organize all the information? 
                                               What’s the best way to present the information?            
                 6 – Evaluation – How well did I complete the task? 
                                                What did I learn to do better next time?

Open Access

​The library is an open access facility that contains a wide diversity of views and expression; it provides materials for many reading and maturity levels. Sometimes books found in the library may contain mature subject matter.  Please use your best judgment and self-select books wisely.  You have many advocates to help you make a decision–your parents are an excellent resource in helping you choose a book. I personally like to check reviews and utilize Common Sense Media. Please note, there are many books in the library that are not on the district approved class-room reading list.  For further information regarding EMS policy and procedures, please reference EMS disclosure and CSD policy (school library media selection and review).
