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Eastmont Student Disclosure

Eastmont Middle School Disclosure

Teaching students to develop perseverance, embody, integrity, and become lifelong learners through the AVID strategies for writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization and reading.

Welcome to Eastmont Middle School! We look forward to working with our school community to prepare students to be college and career ready by ensuring our students can write with clarity, read to connect, organize their materials and thoughts, collaborate with others and be inquisitive.

Throughout the building and school year we will reference our school wide academic and behavioral expectations.  They can easily be remembered with our slogan, Patriot PRIDE, it’s Inside.  PRIDE is broken into five attributes we hope all students will learn and develop.  They are:   

P –   Productive: We compose create, organize or lead with intellectual or physical effort.

R –  Responsible: We are trusted and accountable for our actions.

I –    Inclusive: We invite and integrate all people and groups in activities, opportunities, and resources. 

D –  Digital Citizens: We effectively and safely use technology to cite, communicate, build inclusive online communities and monitor our digital footprints and wellness.

E –   Engaged: We are persistently active in accomplishing an objective.


 The primary goal of grading is to provide high quality feedback to students and parent/guardians; enabling them to clearly understand a student’s progress, support the learning process and encourage student success. Grades are available at: http://www.skyward.canyonsdistrict.org

Academic Grades:The primary goal of grading is to provide high quality feedback to parent/guardians and students; enabling them to clearly understand a student’s progress, appropriately support the learning process and encourage student success.

Weighted Grading: Grades at Eastmont Middle School will be determined by assessments and assignments weighted as follows: 

Assessments (tests, labs, projects, essays, etc.) will be weighted as 60% of the grade.

Assignments (practice) will be weighted as 40% of the grade.

School Wide Grading Scale:

A   93% — 100%          B-  80% — 82%          D+ 67% — 69%

A-  90% — 92%            C+ 77% — 79%          D   63% — 66%         

B+ 87% — 89%            C   73% — 76%          D-  60% — 62%

B   83% — 86%            C-  70% — 72%          F    59% and Below

Late Work and Retake Policy: Assignments and assessments help teachers guide learning by seeing what students can and cannot do. They are critical measures of student understanding; therefore, students have multiple opportunities to demonstrate understanding.          

Students are allowed to complete missing or retake assessments and assignments following two weeks of the unit assessment’s due date.          

Prior to retaking an assessment, students will be required to participate in a review process at the direction of the teacher.    

Citizenship Grades: Citizenship Grades will be based on students meeting the expectations of Patriot PRIDE and tardies.

Citizenship GradeBehaviorTardies
H: Exceeding StandardsStudent behavior serves as a model for peers and is always consistent with Patriot PRIDE2 or less per term
S: Meeting StandardsStudent behavior is consistent with Patriot PRIDE and no more than 2 minor offenses3-4 per term
N: Needs ImprovementStudent behavior is inconsistent with Patriot PRIDE and no more than 2 Office Referrals5-6 per term
U: Not Meeting StandardsStudent behavior showed little to no efforts towards Patriot PRIDE and more than 2 Office Referrals7 or more per term

Following is a list of Eastmont Middle School (EMS) School Expectations critical for all students to understand and observe.  Complete policies are available online at https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/policies/student/.

Auditorium Expectations: I applaud appropriately, turn off electronics, use appropriate language (tone, volume and words) and demonstrate Patriot PRIDE.

Attendance Policies: I understand school attendance is vital to my success.  I attend school, I am on time to classes and have my parent/guardians notify the school of an absence. Absences will be excused for illness, a family emergency, a family event, observance of religious holidays, medical appointments or pre-approved education/vacation leave.

Dress Code: I follow EMS dress code by not wearing hats and wearing clothing that covers the body as outlined in the figure (below) that is not see through, with no viewable undergarments.  My clothing shall be free from writing, images, or symbols that are:

  • Lewd, vulgar, profane, obscene, violent, or sexually suggestive
  • Advocate, represent, or promote racism, discrimination, violence, or hate in any form
  • Signifies or depicts gangs or illegal or criminal activities
  • Advertise, promote or depict the likeness of tobacco, e-cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs
    📌If students are in violation of dress code they will be asked to change.  Eastmont will provide clean to the students.
    📌If hats are confiscated, a parent/guardian will have to come pick the hat up.   

Cafeteria Expectations: I wait my turn in line, always walk, clean up after myself, keep my hands/feet/objects to myself and demonstrate Patriot PRIDE

Classroom Expectations: I follow classroom expectations to demonstrate Patriot PRIDE and any additional guidelines established by the classroom teacher

Food & Drink: I know there is no outside food or drink allowed in classrooms or hallways.  Any outside food or drink that cannot be stored in my backpack/locker will be thrown away. 

Hallway Behavior: I walk in the hallways, use appropriate language (tone, volume and words) and manage my time to arrive to class on time.  I know there is no food or drink in the hallways.

Individuals with Exceptionalities: If you have a disability and need accommodations in connection with your learning, please speak with your counselor and/or administrator.

Late Work: I am allowed to complete missing assessments assignments within two weeks of the unit assessment’s due date without penalty.

Library Expectations: I demonstrate Patriot PRIDE for the library.  Additionally, I know to return all library books on time or I will be assigned a late-fee.

Lockers: Lockers are the property of the school and are to be used for storage of school-related materials only.  The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items.  Students are requested to leave all valuable items at home.  Locker combinations should not be shared with anyone.  Lockers are by request only (please see the main office).  Lockers are accessible ONLY before school, during your lunch and after school.

Multi Media: Throughout the year, students will be shown clips for educational instruction purposes that are rated G and PG.  By signing below, you are giving your student permission to watch G and PG clips. 

Online Behavior: When online I am careful about what I share, I do not engage or encourage cyberbullying, I do not request or send inappropriate content, and I communicate with adults about inappropriate online behavior.  

Playing Fields: When using the playing fields during lunch I will follow safety procedures.  I know I play at my own risk. 


  • I am allowed to retake assessments and assignments within two weeks of the unit assessment’s due date.
  • Prior to retaking an assessment, I will complete the review process at the direction of my teacher.
  • I know my most recent score will be entered into the gradebook, not my highest score.

Reasons for Getting in Trouble: I understand I can get in trouble for bullying, classroom disruption, defiance, fighting*, drugs/alcohol*, harassment, gang related activity, inappropriate language, intimidation, physical contact, plagiarism, tardies, truancy, theft, and property damage. 
*Subject to Canyons School District Fines

Safety: Safety is everyone’s responsibility.  I will report anything that is unsafe or can become unsafe to an adult.

Search and Seizure: I understand administrators have the right to conduct searches if they have good reason to believe a student has an item that presents or could present a safety concern or disruption to the school environment. 

Schedule Changes: I know I cannot change my schedule.  My schedule will be changed if EMS placed me in the wrong class or the school needs to balance class sizes.

Tardies: I am on time if I am in my assigned seat with my learning materials before the bell stops ringing.  If I receive 3 tardies, the teacher will contact my parents/guardians.  If I receive 5 or more tardies, I will meet with administration and I know school-based interventions or consequence will be implemented. 

Technology Expectations:

  • I am allowed to use my personal technology only with the permission of a teacher for educational purposes.
  • I know that personal technology (i.e. cellphones, earbuds, etc.) are not to be used during the school day (i.e. class, lunch, passing periods, assemblies, etc.).
  • If personal technology is confiscated, a parent/guardian will have to pick it up from the main office.
  • If a parent/guardian is unable to pick up the technology, it will be turned into the main office the following day for the entire day.
  • I understand bringing personal technology comes with risks (i.e. being stolen, broken, etc.) and EMS will not be held responsible for finding or replacement.
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