End of Term Activities

Upcoming Events at Eastmont Hello Patriots! As 4th quarter wraps up, we have some fun activities to celebrate all of your successes and hard work. We are so proud of

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A Few Quick Reminders

A Message from Mrs. Kurtzhals Hello Eastmont Patriots, We have just a few quick reminders for you today. Tomorrow begins our Chromebook and other item drop off/pick up process. Our

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Eastmont Media Return Announcement

Families may begin returning borrowed EMS media starting Wednesday, May 20th. This includes borrowed items such as chromebooks and district internet hot spots. The last day for check in will

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Upcoming Events

Thursday September 19

3:45 pm – 4:15 pm
XC Quad Meet

Tuesday September 24

4:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Parent Teacher Conferences

Wednesday September 25

4:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Parent Teacher Conference

Thursday September 26

1:10 pm
Early Out

Friday September 27

All Day
No School
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