10100 S. 1300 East
Sandy, Utah 84094

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SCC Bylaws

Article I – Name

Eastmont School Community Council (SCC)

Article II – Laws

Article III – Standing Rules

  1. Elections for SCC Representatives
    1. Notification of election dates and procedures for declaring interest in serving on the SCC will be given with the registration information from Eastmont Middle School, listed on the school website, and posted in the main office.
    2. Interest sheets will be collected and parents contacted for verification during the two weeks prior to the beginning of the school year.
    3. Elections will be held at the school during the week of Back to School Night.
    4. All elected positions will be for 2  year terms.
    5. Employee elections will be held in employee meetings at the beginning of the school year.
  2. Membership
    1. The number of School Community Council members will be limited to 9 parent members and up to 6 employee members for a total of 15.
  3. SCC Leadership Elections
    1. The election for a chairperson will occur in the last meeting of the school year in April. The Chair will serve through the summer months and coming year.
    2. A vice chair and a recorder will be elected in the first meeting of the new school year in September. The vice chair can be elected from either the parents or school employee group.
  4. SCC Leadership Positions
    1. Principal: Works with the Chair to create and post meeting agendas. Provides support information for the duties of the SCC. The principal is also responsible to see that the council receives annual training in the statutes governing school community councils as required by law.
    2. Chair:  Will assist the Principal with SCC elections. Creates the agenda and conducts the meetings.  With the principal, the chair will post the meeting agendas and minutes and other duties as outlined in CSD policy.
    3. Vice-Chair: Works with the Chair and conducts the meeting in the case of the Chair’s absence. 
    4. Recorder: Takes notes at the meeting and creates the minutes for approval by the SCC. Is also responsible for recording the meeting.
  5. SCC Meeting Guidelines
    1. The SCC will meet monthly September through April, excluding December. There will be a minimum of 4 meetings. The majority of the council must approve of canceling and/or calling additional meetings. Meeting rescheduling will be done through email and then posted on the website.
    2. The SCC may not hold closed meetings.
    3. Meeting dates for the year will be set at the September SCC meeting and published on the school website.  Agendas will also be posted on the school website. 
    4. Meeting minutes will be posted on the school website for the current school year and archived as per state law.
    5. Members will be expected to attend. If for some reason they cannot attend, they need to notify the chairperson ahead of time to be excused.
    6. If an SCC member misses three meetings in a given school year, they may be invited to resign as a voting member of the committee and the respective group (parent or employee) may appoint a replacement. 
    7. Actions of the SCC requiring a vote will be conducted according to parliamentary procedures.  In votes that are too close to call through a verbal vote, a roll call vote will be taken.
  6. SCC Meeting Etiquette
    1. Meetings will begin on time, use time wisely, finish on time, and stay focused on the agenda.
    2. Members and guests will come prepared to participate and avoid side conversations.
    3. Respect for others in verbal and non-verbal communication will be shown at all times.
    4. Disruptions will be avoided by silencing cell phones and taking necessary calls or conversations out of the room during meetings. 
    5. A speaker must be recognized by the Chair before addressing the group.
    6. A patron may bring a topic to the SCC by contacting the Chairperson at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting and asking to be added to the agenda. 
    7. The SCC may invite any person/group to make a presentation on issues pertinent to the role of the SCC. 
    8. The SCC may vote to limit the amount of time given to any topic.
  7. The items that are appropriate for discussion by the School Community Council include, but not limited to:
    1. School Improvement Plan (CSIP)
    2. School Land Trust Plan
    3. Assistance in the development of the Staff Professional Development Plan.
    4. Academic needs of the school, with direction to determine the greatest academic need of the school for Land Trust Plan expenditures.
    5. School Programs and issues relating to the community environment for students.
    6. Parent/School communication and involvement.
    7. Safe Walking Routes.
  8. Items not be discussed by the SCC include:
    1. Personnel issues
    2. Individual student information
  9.  These bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the School Community Council.
  10. These bylaws will be posted on the SCC page of the school website. Each SCC member will read and agree to abide by the bylaws as signified on their declaration of candidacy and at the beginning of each school year.

Updated October 2021