10100 S. 1300 East
Sandy, Utah 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked MIddle School Badge

September 21, 2022 – Minutes


  • Lindsey Tait, Parent x
  • Nicole Ford, Parent x
  • Allyn Kau, Parent x
  • Rachel deAzevedo, Parent
  • Sarah Shore, Parent x
  • Adam Howard, Parent x
  • Isaac Zeigler, Parent x
  • Megan Gebhard, Counselor x
  • Stephanie Davis, Teacher x
  • Randy Curtis, Teacher (excused sick)
  • Stacy Kurtzhals, Principal x
  • Taylor Hansen, Assistant Principal (Secretary)
  • Brooke Rauzon, Assistant Principal (Secretary) (excused sick)

Guests:  Max Clark-Bradley, student  Steve Wrigley, school board member


  1. Welcome and introductions
  2. Election of Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary
    1. Election of Chair
      1. Nicole Ford made a motion to nominate Rachel deAzevedo
      2. Stephanie Davis second
        1. All in Favor
        2. None opposed
    2. Election of Vice Chair
      1. Isaac Zeigler made a motion to nominate Nicole Ford
      2. Second made by Stephanie Davis
        1. All in Favor
        2. None opposed
  3. SCC bylaws (emailed in advance)
    1. Discussion regarding bylaws
    2. Allyn Kau discussed to change item 3A to read “The Chair from the previous year will serve through the summer months.” and delete and coming year from the sentence.
      1. Isaac Zeigler made a motion to approve bylaws with the change to 3A mentioned above.
      2. Sarah Shore second the motion
        1. All in favor
        2. None opposed
  4. SCC Training Dates
    • All sessions held in the Canyons Center
    • Canyons District Office; 9361 S. 300 East; Sandy, UT 84070
    • Thursday, September 15         1-2:30 p.m.       OR         6-7:30 p.m.
    • Tuesday, September 27           10-11:30 a.m.  OR         6-7:30 p.m.

5. TSSP Goals (emailed in advance)

Discussion:  Working on writing across the curriculum,

Had professional developments for our teachers to implement writing that supports their curriculum.  Sarah asked how we are tracking the connection with all students and it was explained that we use a dot system for each student and all teachers put a dot when they have made a connection with a student.  We then assign those without dots so every student gets a connection.

6. Discussion regarding possible amendment proposals to TSSP spending should we need them.  We received $65,000 more than predicted.

    1. Stacy will look into STEM certification to share information for next meeting
    2. Motivational speakers
    3. After School activities

7. Counseling Advisory Committee

    1. Request to have the school community council represented as the counseling advisory committee.  All parents agreed.
    2. Request to have the students from the parents on the school community council to represent as the students on the counseling advisory committee.  All parents agreed.
    3. The Golden Gate Movement, an after school activity, will begin in October after school, currently scheduled on Wednesday but will look for a different day of the week to reduce conflicts with other after school activities.
    4. Small PCCR meetings with every 6th and 7th grade student has taken place.
    5. Reality Town for 8th grade students will be on November 2nd and will need parent volunteers.
      1. Reality Town students will receive a job based on their cumulative grade.
      2. It was suggested that we share how this works with 6th and 7th grade students so they understand what their grades can help with in 8th grade

8. Parent questions

        1. How do we address the goal of student connection?
          1. We print the names of all students on a spreadsheet and teachers put a mark by any student they have a connection with.  A connection is defined as you know something personal about the student.  Students who do not have a dot are assigned to a teacher to work on making a connection.

9. Motion to adjourn

            1. Motion made by NIcole Ford.
            2. Isaac Zeigler second
              1. All in favor
              2. None opposed