10100 S. 1300 East
Sandy, Utah 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked MIddle School Badge

September 20, 2023 – Minutes

Eastmont School Community Council Agenda
September 20,2023

Hallie Wilkins
Megan Gebhard (present)
Jesse Hennefer (present)
Latasha Roddon-Cooke
Stacy Kurtzhals (present)
Stephanie Davis
Sarah Shore (present)
Jamison Morrison (present)
Ashley Higgs (present)
Brooke Anne Fuller (present)
Isaac Zeigler (present)
Whitney Rasmussen (present)
Sioana Vianuku
Taylor Hansen (present) /Brooke Rauzon

Agenda Items:

  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Election of Chair and Vice Chair
    1. Sarah Shore: volunteered for chair
    2. Brooke Anne Fuller: volunteered for vice chair
    3. Jesse Hennefer seconded the motion
    4. Unanimous vote in the affirmative
  3. Review of TSSP Goals and Expenditures for 23-24
    1. Ms. Kurtzhals reviewed the overarching goal of increasing math inventory
      1. Mr. Zeigler asked about what we are doing to achieve this goal
        1. Ms. Kurtzhals reviewed how math teachers do not have a class during Teacher Advisory so they can pull students for reteaching
        2. Ms. Kurtzhals discussed the Patriot P.R.I.D.E. days.  (Patriot Recognition and Intervention Day for Everyone)
          1. Ms. Fuller asked if attendance was down on the first P.R.I.D.E. day?
            1. Based upon attendance from last week, attendance was not markedly down.
          2. Parents provided their feedback
          3. Ms. Higgs recommended checking in with the high school for activities during Patriot P.R.I.D.E. activities and/or industries (e.g. cosmetology, diesel mechanics, engineering, yoga, etc.)
          4. Ms. Shore recommended service projects during Patriot P.R.I.D.E. activities
      2. Ms. Higgs asked some questions about percentages and number of students:
        1. School population: 535
        2. SPED: 17.2%
        3. ML: 6.5%
      3. Ms. Shore asked if the majority of money is used for personnel.
        1. Ms. Kurtzhals confirmed
          1. We fund the math intervention teacher, math paraeducator, reading paraeducator, paying teachers for after school tutoring, and two 28-hour paraeducators
    2. Ms. Kurtzhals reviewed the overarching goal of increasing reading inventory
    3. Ms. Kurtzhals reviewed the goal of achieving an AVID site of distinction
      1. Ms. Kurtzhals shared how Eastmont is hoping to achieve the designation of an AVID National Demonstration School; a step above the site of distinction. The visit will be on October 23, 2023.
      2. We are doing an AVID family night on November 2nd.  We are doing AVID Olympics.
    4. Mr. Hennefer asked some questions about the school climate goal and where we currently stand.
      1. Ms. Kurtzhals shared how we were unable to complete the final survey last year due to the asbestos.
      2. Ms. Morrison brought up how teachers engage in conversations about students on Friday afternoons and how we can support them.
      3. Ms. Kurtzhals talked about our goal of knowing more about a student beyond their name.  “A connected student is a learning student.”
  4. Review of SCC Bylaws
    1. Please see email
  5. SCC Training Dates
    • All sessions held in the Canyons Center
    • Canyons District Office; 9361 S. 300 East; Sandy, UT 84070
    • Tuesday, September 27
      • 10-11:30 a.m. OR 6-7:30 p.m.
  1. Counseling Advisory Committee
    1. Ms. Gebhard shared
      1. about the STEMfest the 6th graders recently attended
      2. shared the hope to have an 8th grade field-trip in the spring
      3. information about reality-town
      4. information about College and Career Readiness (CCR) meetings
        1. 6th grade and 7th grade are quick and informal
        2. 8th grade is more formal and parent/guardians are invited to attend
    2. Mr. Hennefer recommended correlating counseling data with school climate data
    3. Ms. Gebhard talked about the need for more skills in developing friends in 6th grade.
    4. Ms. Gebhard talked about the increase in “responsive needs” (i.e. self-harm) and explosive friendship concern (i.e. “You made a mistake and I am cutting you from all friend activities, chats, etc.”)
      1. Ms. Higgs shared some perspective about the “selfie-method” from a counselor at Herriman High School.
    5. Mr. Hennefer asked what can parents do?
      1. Mr. Hennefer recommended sending home prompts for parents about talking to kids about friendships, hard times, etc.
      2. Ms. Kurtzhals shared themes idea for the month related to Patriot P.R.I.D.E. days.  This month is empathy.

Parent questions

  1. Mr. Zeigler asked for updates on refreshing the building.
    1. Ms. Kurtzhals didn’t have any.
    2. Ms. Kurtzhals advised, a quiet community is a forgotten community.  Please be vocal at board meetings and with board members.
      1. Mr. Hennefer asked what is our coordinated goal?
        1. To start, what is the plan?  Are they going to do anything?
        2. Ms. Higgs recommended sending a template to parents.
        3. Asking board members why we are being kept in the dark.
        4. Ms. Kurtzhals said she would share what was submitted and reviewed.
    3. The idea was supported of having debate students present at the board.
  2. Ms. Higgs shared how she has heard from parents that Eastmont doesn’t want to meet with you during PTC unless your student is failing.
  3. Mr. Henefer praised the School to Home Connections
  4. SCC Dates:
    1. October 18, 2023
    2. November 15, 2023