10100 S. 1300 East
Sandy, Utah 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked MIddle School Badge

September 15, 2021 – Minutes

  1. Welcome and introductions
  2. Election of vice chair
    1. Rachel made the motion and Derek seconded the motion for Rauzon/Hanson to be the secretaries. Unanimous vote 10 in favor.
    2. Rachel made the motion and Julie seconded the motion for Nicole Ford to be the vice chair. Unanimous vote 10 in favor.
  3. SCC bylaws:
    1. Proposed updates to bylaws
      1. Interest sheets will be collected and parents will be contacted for verification during the first two weeks of the school year.
      2. Stacy changed the previous bylaws to have the elections held at the school the third week of school.
      3. SCCC Leadership elections-the election for a chairperson will occur at the first meeting of the school year in September. The previous Chair will serve throughout the summer months and the coming year.
      4. SCC Meeting Guidelines- Meeting dates for the year will be finalized at the September SCC meeting and published on the school website. Agendas will be posted on the school website a week prior.
      5. We will not hold SCC meetings in December.
    2. Daniel motioned and Julie seconded the motion to approve all of the changes to the SCC Bylaws. Unanimous vote 10 in favor
  4. SCC training information
    1. Lindsey brought up that there was another planned training, she believes it is Sept. 30th-3:30, 5:00 and the Vice chair training is at 7:00pm
  5. Teacher Student Success Plan (TSSP) Goals, and proposal of amendments
    1. A copy of the TSSP is in each member’s folders.
    2. Amendments will be proposed to the SCC at the next meeting.
      1. Discussion
        1. Some of the expenditures budgeted for in the plan, such as getting a ½ day substitute will have to be revisited due to a lack of substitutes in our district.
        2. We propose that teachers can have the option to stay after school to analyze data.  At the next meeting, Stacy will bring expenditures for this scenario to the next meeting.
        3. The After School Program will start with after school academic support and we will hold off on the physical activities for a later date due to Covid tracing.
    3. Discussion of goals in the TSSP
      1. Math Inventory goal-When given the 2021-2022 Spring Math Inventory:
        1. 60% of the Eastmont students will be proficient or advanced.
        2. The percent of students in the below basic range will reduce to 10% or less in each grade.
        3. 80% of our students with disabilities and multilingual learners will grow at least 50 points in both the Jan. and April testing window.
      2. Reading Inventory Goal-When given the 2021-2022 Spring Reading Inventory:
        1. 80% of our students will be proficient or advanced in each grade level.
        2. The percent of students in the below basic range will reduce to 5% or less in Basic in each grade level by the end of the school year.
        3. 80% of our students with disabilities, multilingual learners, and students in the Below Basic level will grow at least 75 points or one level in both the Jan. and April testing windows.
      3. Climate Goal:During the 2021-2022 school year, EMS will show a 10% increase in student’s connection to school as measured by a student survey given at the beginning and end of the school year.
    4. Students who make growth on the RI/MI will be celebrated by calling home and having a pizza party after each test.
    5. Math Extensions-students who need a longer processing time to understand a concept.
    6. Math Connections-Math 180 supports filling holes in mathematics to assist students in mastering concepts.
  6. Poppy Lane Letter-our district is supporting White City Metro Township’s funding request for the sidewalk located along Poppy Lane; Sego Lily Drive to Aster Lane.
  7. Update on Second Steps
    1. Select a parent representative to serve on the Second Steps Committee.
      1. Rachel Will be the parent representative.
      2. Brooke Rauzon will be the school representative.
      3. Nicole motioned and Julie seconded the motion for Rachel to be the parent  representative for the Second Steps Committee.
    2. TA classes are going well and creating a sense of community and safety. In 6th grade students are still in cohorts and it creates a circle of trust and they are able to create deeper relationships with students and teachers.  We use the Second Steps lessons in the TA classes on Monday.
  8. Counseling Update
    1. Julie discussed using the SCC as the parent group for the Counseling Advisory Committee.
    2. Julie also discussed that this would make their students the student advisory group.
    3. Jen made the motion and Dan seconded the motion to add the Counseling Advisory Committee to our SCC meeting.
  9. Parent questions:
    1. For Halloween,  students will be allowed to dress up on Friday and we will have a Halloween dance. A discussion was had regarding students painting their face to dress up as a different ethnicity.  The administration will add this to the guidelines for Halloween costumes.
    2. Dress code- Our board is revamping the dress code rules.
      1. We have been asked to hold off on enforcing the dress code unless it is causing a major disruption in more than one class.
    3. It was suggested to write or call the school board to voice your opinion on the dress code.
  10. Motion to adjourn
    1. Dan Hertzog, made the motion to adjourn, Brooke seconded the motion, Unanimous vote, all in favor.

Next meeting: October 20, 2021 at 5:30 in room 305