10100 S. 1300 East
Sandy, Utah 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked MIddle School Badge

November 17, 2021 – Minutes


  • Jen Coccimiglio, Chair (present)
  • Nicole Ford, Vice Chair (present)
  • Lindsey Tait, Parent (present)
  • Allyn Kau, Parent  (present)
  • Rachel deAzevedo, Parent – absent
  • Daniel Herzog, Parent (present)
  • Derek Gruander, Parent – absent
  • Julie Taucher, Counselor (present)
  • Stephanie Davis, Teacher (present)
  • Stacy Kurtzhals, Principal (present)
  • Randy Curtis, Teacher (present, not a voting member)
  • Taylor Hansen, Assistant Principal (Secretary) (present, not a voting member)
  • Brooke Rauzon, Assistant Principal (Secretary)


  1. Approval of minutes from October meeting
    1. Julie moved to approve the minutes
    2. Nicole 2nd the motion
    3. Meetings were unanimously approved
  2. Proposed amendment to SCC schedule
    1. Proposal to cancel December meeting
      1. Stephanie motioned to cancel December minutes
      2. Dan 2nd the motion
      3. The SCC unanimously approved to cancel December’s meeting
  3. Update on Land Trust plan, date and expenditures
    1. Reviewed expenditures to date
      1. Ms. Kurtzhals talked about the difficulty of hiring
      2. Ms. Kurtzhals said that if we cannot find people to hire we may have to look at reallocating funds in January
      3. Jen asked a question on how tutoring is going
        1. Ms. Kurtzhals said that we are getting students in each room (library and math classrooms) and hoping to increase numbers as the quarter continues.
      4. Reviewed data of the Reading Inventory (RI) scores with the Read 180 program.
        1. Data is showing that the Read 180 program is working and the gap is closing
  4. Quick review School Safety Report and Digital Citizenship plan
    1. Items discussed in October meeting
      1. Jen thanked Ms. Kurtzhals for adding information about YouTube in the parent newsletter.
      2. Ms. Kurtzhals said that the report has been submitted and we are looking forward to improvements.
    2. Any new items since then
  5. Additional discussion on Honor classes, school engagement issues if needed
    1. Dan called the district office to learn if honors classes are going away district wide.  He could not get an answer.
    2. Dan talked about students not attending Eastmont because of the lost of honors
    3. Dan talked about the concerns of honors going away and teachers not being able to teach as much because of behavior
    4. Dan was also concerned about the dual math class and his concern that some students are falling behind
    5. Ms. Kurtzhals shared and showed some data:
      1. 5 of the 8 schools do not have honors
      2. Growth is happening across the district
      3. Schools without honors are increasing scores at a greater rate
    6. Lindsay talked about people making uninformed decisions to not attend Eastmont because of a honors class versus a honors certificate
    7. Nicole would like to see this standardized across the board
    8. Ms. Kurtzhals talked about how honors classes were divided by socioeconomic status
      1. Allyn agreed
    9. Jen wanted to know if a parent could see more information about their student’s individual growth.
    10. Nicole clarified some data Ms. Kurtzhals could pull in support of students
    11. Clarified how other middle schools are phasing honors out over the next several years
    12. Honors was alway opt-in
  6. Annual review of Safe Walking Routes
    1. Reviewed the 2021-22 Safe Neighborhood Access Plan (SNAP).
    2. SCC had no input on infrastructure changes
    3. Please see website for further the plan when it is submitted and approved by the district
  7. Counseling / Parent Advisory Committee report
    1. Julie shared the Plan for College and Career Readiness (PCCR) packet that is shared with 8th graders.
    2. TA class plan for the rest of the year
      1. Second steps has been discontinued by Canyons School District
      2. Ms. Kurtzhals shared Eastmont’s outline
      3. Julie clarified that Eastmont’s Social Emotional Learning staff (counselors, school psychologist, and school social worker) are creating the lessons
      4. Nicole asked where parents can find this curriculum?
        1. Parents would need to schedule an appointment with the counselors for review
        2. Eastmont clarified that the lessons are being developed in real time so many lessons are not yet developed.
        3. Ms. Kurtzhals does review the lessons and gives final approval
        4. Jen asked the SCC to review the outline and email Julie/Stacy with any thoughts for improvement
  8. Stacy motioned to adjourn
    1. Lindsay 2nd the motion
    2. Council unanimously agreed to adjourn