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Sandy, Utah 84094

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May 18, 2022 Minutes

Eastmont School Community Council Agenda

Meeting Details:  May 18, 2022  5:30 p.m.


  • Jen Coccimiglio, Chair (present)
  • Nicole Ford, Vice Chair (present)
  • Lindsey Tait, Parent
  • Allyn Kau, Parent (present)
  • Rachel deAzevedo, Parent
  • Daniel Herzog, Parent
  • Derek Gruander, Parent
  • Julie Taucher, Counselor (present)
  • Stephanie Davis, Teacher (present)
  • Stacy Kurtzhals, Principal (excused)
  • Taylor Hansen, Assistant Principal (present)
  • Brooke Rauzon, Assistant Principal (Secretary) present 


  1. Approval of minutes from April meeting
  2. Motion was approved and seconded for the April SCC minutes.
  3. SCC plans / vacancies for next year
  • We will have 3 vacancies for SCC next year.
  • All first year members will return to SCC next year.
  • 2nd year members will need to reapply
  1. Counseling / Parent Advisory Committee report
  • Serenity Space-a space for students to go when they feel anxious or they are having a hard day. They get to check in and can stay for 15 minutes. If they still are feeling anxious they can meet with a counselor.
  • We have seen some students who abuse the privilege of the Serenity Space so we implemented a pink slip system.
  • Students monitor themselves-to check in and out so that the counselors can determine if the space was helpful. They check how they are feeling when they enter the space and do it again when they leave.
  • 50% of the time students reported they felt a little calmer and  less anxious and were able to go back to the classroom and function.
  • Counselors monitor the students who use the space. We have students who use it every day and some are once a week, twice a week or once a month.
  • It is also reported to parents.
  • Teachers can send the students to the space as well if they notice they are struggling.
  • Students are able to listen to a waterfall, sit and relax or build with legos. 
  • An estimated 100 students have used the space this year.
  • There is no stigma to using the space and we haven’t had any issues with students being teased or bullied  for using the space.
  • We also have a food pantry located in the space that we can give boxes of food to families in need.

4. SCC questions and concerns:

  1. A parent is struggling to keep their child in class at the end of the year.
    1. Teachers should still be teaching content until Friday.
    2. Please reach out to the administration so we can ensure content is being taught so that students will stay until the last day.
    3. Classes should not all be just making up missing assignments.
  2. Double Math classes are unproductive because the behavior issues arte taking the opportunity away from students who want to learn. How are we evaluating the effectiveness of this class?
    1. The Math 180 class and double math period had similar growth.
    2. Gen Ed classes math growth is more because the sample size is bigger.
    3. Next year we will not be having a double math class, Mrs. Severn will be teaching Math180.
  3. Staffing for next year:
    1. Para educators will remain the same. We still have three positions to fill.
    2. We do have a lower enrollment for next year.
    3. Ann MArie Proctor is retiring so we have  hired a new counselor, Megan Geghart, who has experience as a counselor.
  4. What happens when one student is done with RISE but everyone else is not?
    1. Teachers are asked to provide enrichment activities for students.
    2. Typically students take 2 to 3 days
    3. We as administrators and the achievement coach are doing make-ups so teachers can move on with content.
  5. What about RI and MI?  What is time allotted?
    1. 1-2 days is allotted 
    2. Administrators and the achievement coach are doing make-ups
    3. The RI and MI is shorter than the RISE
  6. What is the expectation/balance of moving on when there are still some students taking the test?
    1. We budget 1 to 2 day.  
    2. After 1 to 2 days, administrators and the achievement coach pull students who are not done so the remainder of the class can move on with content.   
    3. We don’t want kids on computers after they finish testing because most get on and play games.  Then those who are not done, just race through tests because games are more fun.   
  7. Do parents get results?
    1. Students in Read 180 or Math 180 get regular reports
    2. The school is working on getting test results into parents hands.  It has proven more difficult than expected given computer systems not talking to one another. 
  8. We want to try to get RI & MI data out to parents even if they are proficient or advanced.
  9. The gym floor was not properly sealed and there is concern that it is progressively worse. Students and teachers are tripping over the uneven floor. We have potential for someone getting hurt.
    1. Call representatives to seek assistance in getting a new floor.
  10. Computer use:
    1. Today, students are spending 115 minutes online. 
    2. Prior ( a week in March) to testing they were spending 147 minutes a week. This is both at school and at home.
    3. Content Keeper keeps track of inappropriate searches for students.
  11. Motion to close the meeting.