10100 S. 1300 East
Sandy, Utah 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked MIddle School Badge

March 16, 2022 – Minutes


  1. Approval of minutes from February meeting
    1. Julie moves to approve last month’s meeting minutes and Stephanie seconded thee motion.
  2. Parent Teacher Conference discussion – Lindsey
    1. What percentage of parents attend?
      • 129 families participated in Spring 2022 PTC
      • That is 19%
      • Of those 129 families, they participated in 4.76 conferences on average.  Some families participated in 1 conference and some participated in 8 conferences.  
      • For the Spring 2022 conferences:
        • 54 6th grade families
        • 37 7th grade families
        • 26 8th grade families 
      • 177 families participated in Fall 2022 PTC
      • That is 27%
      • Of those 177 families, they participated in 4.46 conferences on average.  Some families participated in 1 conference and some participated in 8 conferences.  
      • For the Fall 2022 conferences:
        • 69 6th grade families
        • 58 7th grade families
        • 39 8th grade families 
    2. Does the school have a goal associated with conferences?
      • We don’t. We do want to get as many parents as possible.
    3. Is there a target goal for specific student groups?
      1. No there is not.
    4. Those with specific grades in their classes?
      1. We want to get parents to come in for students who are failing/struggling.
    5. Are students with certain grades discouraged from coming?
      1. No, we initially tried to only have students whose grades were below a B, however we didn’t get the response we wanted. We did not continue this in the spring.
    6. Has the virtual option increased or decreased parent attendance or has it stayed the same?
      1. Spring 2022
        • We conducted 374 conferences or 61% IN-PERSON.  
        • We conducted 240 conferences or 39% ONLINE.   
      2. Fall 2022
        • We conducted 489 conferences or 62% IN-PERSON.  
        • We conducted 302 conferences or 38% ONLINE.  
      3. Comparing if the virtual option has decreased/increased conference attendance is difficult given the last completely in-person conferences were held in the fall of 2019.
        • Comparing ELA Conference Data (This is how we report to the District how many conferences were completed and our most consistent data.)
          1. In the Fall of 2019 we had 58% of the school population
          2. In the Fall of 2022 we had 23% of the school population
          3. All above data should be interpreted with some caution.  The data was compiled from Skyward Reports.  Some parents did not attend the conference(s) even though they signed up.   


  1. Land Trust for 2022-2023
    1. We all agreed to the Land Trust 2022-2023 and we signed the document. 
  2. TSSP for 2022-2023
  3. Counseling / Parent Advisory Committee report
    1. Counselors are in 6th grade classes
    2. They have the students create Lego structures with a partner that practice communication and listening skills.
    3. Reality Town will take place in classrooms. We are on Tier 1, however it is too late to get enough parent volunteers.
    4. Counselors/SEL staff have created TA lessons for each month.
    5. District is in the process of designing a curriculum aligned with Portrait of a Graduate.