10100 S. 1300 East
Sandy, Utah 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked MIddle School Badge

January 19, 2022 – Minutes


  • Jen Coccimiglio, Chair
  • Nicole Ford, Vice Chair
  • Lindsey Tait, Parent
  • Allyn Kau, Parent –
  • Rachel deAzevedo, Parent-Absent
  • Daniel Herzog, Parent
  • Derek Gruander, Parent –
  • Julie Taucher, Counselor
  • Stephanie Davis, Teacher-Absent
  • Stacy Kurtzhals, Principal
  • Brooke Rauzon, Assistant Principal (Secretary)


  1. Approval of minutes from November meeting
    1. Dan Herzog approved the minutes and Nicole seconded the motion.
  2. Goals for next year
    1. BLT members would like to consider looking at progress on the MI/RI instead of proficiency.
    2. We want to divide our students into two groups-Basic/Below Basic and Proficient and Advanced.
    3. Our 6th graders had the highest scores on the math District Wide Standard Based Assessment. Stacy announces our success during the Patriot of the Month assembly.
  3. Online / virtual school days
    1. Are the teachers creating lessons for online learning at a lower level or is the rigor similar to the classroom?
      1. The teachers are creating tasks for online learning that focus on a task that has already been taught or they are introducing a new concept. The students should not struggle through the assignment.
      2. The BLT discussed how to make the online assignments more meaningful.
      3. We have Friday morning school to support students. We can have students join even if they are not invited by a teacher.
      4. The Board has given our teachers a guideline laying out guidelines for online assignments.
      5. Nicole plans on sending emails to the district to voice her opinion on online learning and how frustrating it is for students.
      6. Nicole will email Stacy the assignments that are frustrating so she can review it.
      7. Teachers are required to have all assignments posted by Friday morning at 8:00am.
      8. Can we have teachers open up the Friday assignments the night before?
        1. Yes, we can ask the teachers to post Friday assignments on Thursday evening.
  4. Social Emotional Learning – how is it going?  How can the SCC support Eastmont staff and teachers with this added responsibility?
    1. Taucher reports that it is going well. The team has split up the SEL lessons where everyone takes a month.
    2. Teachers are enjoying the lessons.
    3. The counselors are quite busy with 8th grade CCRs meetings, creating lesson plans and registration.
    4. SCC members are willing to support the SEL lessons or anything the school needs!
  5. Review of information from Canyons District regarding Honors classes
    1. How can we get the word out to the community on why Eastmont doesn’t have Honors classes and how we have seen the benefit in our data from moving away from Honors?
    2. We have information on a video on why we made the decision to stop having Honors class. Stacy is currently working on creating a pamphlet that we can disseminate out into the community.
    3. The Board has to make the decision to change the boundaries.
      1. Parents could support the increase of Eastmont’s population by writing to Board members and  supporting the boundary change of our feeder elementary schools.
    4. There are discussions on having all of the principals be on board with stopping calling classes Honors.
  6. Counseling / Parent Advisory Committee report
    1. Counselors are having a hard time getting parents to sign up for CCRs.
    2. We are working with Jordan and our elementary schools to arrange for a different date when they can go visit their new schools.