10100 S. 1300 East
Sandy, Utah 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked MIddle School Badge

January 18, 2023 – Minutes


Lindsey Tait, Parent

Nicole Ford, Vice-Chair

Allyn Kau, Parent

Rachel deAzevedo, Chair

Sarah Shore, Parent

Adam Howard, Parent

Max Clark-Bradley, Student

Megan Gebhard, Counselor

Stephanie Davis, Teacher

Randy Curtis, Teacher

Stacy Kurtzhals, Principal

Taylor Hansen, Assistant Principal (secretary)


  1. Approval of Minutes from October meeting.
    1. Ms. Davis made a motion to approve.
    2. The School Community Council (SCC) unanimously approved
  2. Review of temporary move
    1. Ms. Kurtzhals first reviewed the flood from December 17, 2022
    2. Ms. Kurtzhals reviewed the removal of the bottom floor tile and how that created asbestos being spread throughout the building.
    3. Ms. Kurtzhals shared what she knew about the cleaning process.  The process is taking longer, which is okay as that hopefully indicates they are doing a good job.
    4. There will be tests run.
    5. There are still a lot of unknowns and as more information is available we will be as transparent as possible.
    6. Ms. Ford shared her concerns for student safety, staff safety, etc. and the long term effects of this situation.
    7. Ms. De Azevedo wondered if we could access the reports.  Ms. Kurtzhals believes we will be able to publish these reports.
    8. Ms. De Azevedo shared that there are parents concerned about shutting down Eastmont.  Ms. Kurtzhals said the superintendent has communicated there are no intentions to close Eastmont.
    9. Parents asked if Crescent View Middle School is scheduled for anything else this school year.  The answer is no, so we can stay here for the remainder of the year if needed.
    10. Ms. Kurtzhals shared the various options that were presented and how administration advocated for a return to in person learning on a full schedule.
    11. Ms. Kurtzhals thanked District departments for their huge contribution to make the Crescent View campus ready for students so quickly.
    12. Ms. Ford shared her intentions to try and raise public awareness for the needs at Eastmont and the safety of all who will use the facility in the future.
    13. Ms. De Azevedo shared her desire to work off data and if any other schools have gone through this and what they went through.
    14. The SCC expressed a desire for an open forum meeting with board members, contractors, and others knowledgeable about the situation to ensure all concerns are addressed.
    15. The SCC also expressed a desire to have parent input (i.e. a parent committee) to ensure long-term safety.
    16. Mr. Howard wondered if ESSER funds could be used.
    17. Ms. Kurtzhals shared how amazing the students and staff were today (our second day here).  The school spirit is definitely alive and well.
    18. Ms. Shore asked about lockers.  Ms. Kurtzhals talked about how we are still working out some of the nuance details at this time.
    19. Ms. Kurtzhals also thanked other schools and their contributions to help us open.  For example Jordan giving us chairs, Glacier Hills giving us document cameras, etc.
    20. The SCC also wondered about supplies for classrooms, teachers, etc.  Ms. Kurtzhals said we are okay at this time.
    21. Ms. Kurtzhals also talked about the many details of the long term (e.g. buses, supervision at two campuses, etc.)
    22. The SCC encouraged us to use parents when possible.
    23. Ms. Kurtzhals thanked all the staff, faculty, PTSA board, etc. for their unparalleled contributions to make this a successful moment.
    24. Ms. Shore asked if there is a timeline for returning to Eastmont.  We really do not have a timeline.
  3. School safety in the new building
    1. It has been a long term concern about how easily an individual can walk into the building and have access to classrooms and hallways.
    2. An IPAD will be installed with a running GoogleMeet.  Parents will have to call the main office to get in.
    3. The SCC was okay with this.
    4. Mr. Howard suggested a wireless “ring” doorbell.
  4. Update on goals and expenditures for this year
    1. Due to the change in location our RI and MI testing was postponed. Data is not complete, but shared data to date.  Graphs shared are below the notes (not able to post graphs to online notes).
    2.  Expenditures:
      1. Land Trust:
        1. Starting Budget: $99,385
        2. Expenditures: $8,190.58
          1. More has been spent, but some expenditures have been pulled from the wrong account number.  This will be cleaned up.
        3. Amount left:  $91,194.76
          1. Still need to pay for Conferences and Conference Travel, and transfer money that had the wrong budget (TSSA budget instead of Land Trust) for para-educator support.
      2. Teacher Student Success Act (TSSA)
        1. Starting Budget: $155,667.59
        2. Expenditures: $53,936.55
        3. Amount left:  89,317.54
          1. Starting paying for ½ year 8th grade science teacher, and will continue payments for employee salaries.
    3. Ms. Tait asked how funds are allocated.
      1. It is based upon student enrollment as of October 10.
    4. The SCC asked if everything for budgets is looking good (i.e. money is being spent down, not over budget, etc.).  Ms. Kurtzhals affirmed.
  5. Proposed topic for goals for the new plan
    1. Reading
    2. Math
    3. Writing
    4. School Climate
    5. Mr. Howard asked if our site plan needs to tie into the District strategic plan.
      1. Yes
    6. Ms. Kurtzhals asked if we are okay pursuing draft in these subjects and measuring by growth.
    7. Ms. Shore encouraged using funds to help mitigate gaps from the COVID-19 pandemic.  Additionally, Ms. Shore encouraged using these funds to finance people.
  6. SNAP (safe walking) plan recommendations
    1. SCC members hoped that sidewalks near the school on city and county  property are given priority for shoveling/plowing when snow is present.
  7. Teacher of the Year process
    1. Ms. Kurtzhals reviewed and all are encouraged to submit, including students.
  8. Ms. Kurtzhals thanked this committee and all parents for trusting Eastmont staff and faculty.
  9. Mr. Howard motioned to adjourn the meeting
    1. Ms. Ford seconded the motion
    2. SCC was adjourned