10100 S. 1300 East
Sandy, Utah 84094

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January 17 ,2024

Eastmont School Community Council Agenda

January 17, 2024

Hallie Wilkins x

Megan Gebhard x

Jesse Hennefer x

Latasha Roddon-Cooke 

Stacy Kurtzhals 

Stephanie Davis x

Sarah Shore, Chair x

Jamison Morrison x

Ashley Higgs x

Brooke Anne Fuller, vice chair x

Isaac Zeigler

Whitney Rasmussen x

Sioana Vianuku

Taylor Hansen x

Karen Pedersen (School Board Member) x

Agenda Items:

  1. Approval of minutes from the last meeting.
    1. Jamison motioned
    2. Ashely approved 
  2. Update on board meetings and long range planning from the district
    1. December 12th, the board met.  One agenda item was long range planning, the board did not come to a conclusion on this vote. 
    2. January 9th the board met again. They approved $13,000,000 for Eastmont Upgrades covering all of priority #1 items and some #2 items.  A timeline for construction will be determined at a later date.  The approval to get bids was also approved by the board so they can start on the process as soon as possible.
      1. https://go.boarddocs.com/ut/canyons/Board.nsf/files/CYBVKT7BEC47/$file/CSD%20Eastmont%20Prioirty%20Matrix%20V1%2020230912.pdf
  3. Update on this year’s goals and spending for Land Trust
    1. Reading goal
      1. The Reading Inventory at Eastmont Middle School will be given three times per year.  By the Spring Reading Inventory window:
        1. 85% of students not receiving special education services will score in the proficient or advanced range.  Currently 80.6%
        2. 80% of students who score in the basic or below basic range on the Fall Reading Inventory will achieve or exceed their expected growth.  Currently 45%
        3. 70% of students receiving special education services will achieve or exceed their expected growth determined by their Fall Reading Inventory score. Currently 41%
        4. 70% of students identified as a multilingual learner will achieve or exceed their expected growth determined by their Fall Reading Inventory score. Currently 22%
      2. Expenditures
        1. Para Educator for reading intervention (Land Trust Allocated $15,000) Currently $8701.14
        2. 2-Full Time para educators for reading support in classrooms and after school (Land Trust Allocated $40,000) Currently $26,705.23
        3. Additional period for one teacher (TSSP Allocated $14,692) Currently not being used, will reallocate as planned for additional funding
  1. Math goal– Data isn’t entered in the dashboard yet. So I couldn’t pull exact numbers. I will report on it at the next meeting
    1. The Math Inventory at Eastmont Middle School will be given three times per year.  By the Spring Math Inventory window:
      1. 80% of students not identified as receiving special education services or as a multilingual student will score in the proficient or advanced range.
      2. 70% of students who score in the basic or below basic range on the Spring Math Inventory will achieve or exceed their expected growth. 
      3. 70% of students receiving special education services will achieve or exceed their expected growth determined by their Spring Math Inventory score. 
      4. 70% of students identified as a multilingual student will achieve or exceed their expected growth determined by their Spring Math Inventory score. 
    2. Expenditures:  
  1. Math Intervention Teacher (TSSA) Currently funds for this position were in the wrong account.  The district is transferring this and I will get the updated information at the next meeting.
  2. Math Intervention Para-educator (Land Trust Allocated $15,000) Currently $7261.46
  3. Math tutoring (TSSA and Land Trust $7874 allocated) Currently $1388.17
  1. School Climate Goals
    1. By the end of the 2023-24 school year, Eastmont will have submitted the application and met the guidelines to become an AVID site of distinction. Currently – Achieved
    2. Expenditures:
      1. Binders for each student (Land Trust $12,000 Allocated) Currently $6868.35
      2. AVID Summer Institute for 8 teachers registration (TSSP $6800 Allocated) Currently $750.00
      3. AVID Summer Institute for 8 teachers travel expenses (TSSP $9200 Allocated) Currently $999.53
  1. In the 2023-24 school year, Eastmont teachers will work in grade levels to identify that there is one adult that has developed a relationship with each student. Relationships will be defined that every student has one teacher who knows something about them. This will be measured by each team tracking every student throughout the year, and a student survey will be given to each student in the school.
  2. Expenditures:
    1. MTSS Aides for activities and support at lunchtime (TSSP Allocated $15,000) Currently 3201.20
  3. Total Expenditures as of Jan 2, 2024
    1. Land Trust
      1. $50,924.35
    2. TSSA
      1. 4950.73 + Malinda
  1. Ideas for goals and spending for Land Trust
    1. Reading Inventory and Math Inventory will be discontinued and another assessment will be selected.  Because we won’t have a baseline for any of the tests we believe that there should be a goal written to expected growth from the fall to the spring assessments.
      1. Expenditures-
        1. Para support in math lab, reading, and one for each core subject area to continue reading support across curriculum.
        2. After School Tutoring
      2. Ideas:
        1. More para support for math classes
        2. Summer bridge
        3. Continue developing pathways with Jordan’s students supporting Eastmont (e.g. having students in teaching pathway program to help in Eastmont classrooms) 
        4. Supplies intervention classes needs
        5. Computer programs (bonus if fun) that students can do at home to bolster math and reading skills.
    2. School Culture – Teaching students coping skills to decrease the use of the Zen Zone over the year.  Baseline from the beginning of the year to the end.
      1. Expenditures –
        1. supplement the FTE given for the counseling center aide (can we say…support staff) to make it a full time position for student consistency.
    3. Maybe an attendance goal?
      1. Would like to see how attendance impacts each goal.
        1. Students who are missing school; are they ones not making progress. 
        2. Ms. Wilkins felt it would be good.  
        3. Budget some funds for advertising to parents/community  
        4. Ms. Shore felt we need to focus on connecting with friends, school, and feeling successful for incentives   
    4. AVID National Demonstration School
      1. Binders for each student
      2. AVID Summer Institute
  2. Counseling Advisory Committee
    1. Completing 8th grade CCR
      1. Will review actual numbers to know if percentages are up or down
    2. Beginning registration for 24-25
    3. Working through Semester 2 schedule changes  
    4. February we will be teaching Life-Lines (suicide prevention curriculum) taught in 7th grade
  3. Parent Questions
    1. Mr. Hennefer shared that most constituents asked about funding and their questions were quelled when the board approved the funding 
    2. Ms. Rasmussen asked about enrollment 
  4. Closing the meeting
    1. Ms. Morrison motioned to close the meeting
    2. Mr. Hennefer seconded the motion.