10100 S. 1300 East
Sandy, Utah 84094

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February 21, 2024 Minutes

Eastmont School Community Council Agenda

February 21, 2024

Stacy Kurtzhals 

Stephanie Davis 

Sarah Shore, Chair 

Jamison Morrison 

Ashley Higgs 

Isaac Zeigler

Brooke Rauzon

Karen Pedersen (school board representative)

Agenda Items:

  1. Approval of minutes from the last meeting.
    1. Stacy has not pulled the math data, it wasn’t all in the system yet.  
  2. Membership of SCC updated according to Bylaws.
    1. Sioana Vianuku and Latasha Roddon-Cooke have not attended any meetings.  Per bylaws, they can be asked to resign from the SCC.  
    2. We all agree to remove Sioana Vianuku and Latasha Roddon-Cooke.
      1. Jamison motioned to remove both members.
      2. Mr. Zeigler seconded the motion.
    3. Does SCC want to replace their positions for the remainder of the year? No, we are too far into our plans for next year to bring someone new in.  
  3. Update on meeting with the architects on February 13th.
    1. First Meeting Feb 13th.
      1. Project Schedule:
        1. Re-Roof to begin as soon as school ends.
        2. Design development April – June
        3. Bids begin August – No work timeline yet.
          1. We will have people in the community who will be very vocal so we need community members supporting and attending The Truth and Taxation meeting.
        4. We will be making our water fountains ADA accessible in the renovation.
  4. Input on draft of goals and spending for Land Trust
    1. 2024-25 Draft TSSP Goals
      1. Reading:
        1. In the 24-25 school year, we will be implementing a new reading assessment tool.  Based on baseline data gathered from students in the fall of 2024, 80% of students not identified as receiving special education or multilingual services will make or exceed expected growth on the assessment.
          1. 70% of students receiving special education services will make or exceed expected growth on the assessment.
          2. 60% of students identified as multilingual will make or exceed expected growth on the assessment. 
          3. 70 % of students identified as basic or below basic on the assessment will meet or exceed expected growth
        2. Action Steps:
        3. Proposed Expenditures:
          1. Para Educator to support in Reading Intervention Class
          2. Para Educators to support reading for students below proficient and language learners in core classes – 1 each for English, Science, and Social Studies.
      2. Math:
        1. In the 24-25 school year, we will be implementing a new math assessment tool.  Based on baseline data gathered from students in the fall of 2024, 70% of students not identified as receiving special education or multilingual services will make or exceed expected growth on the math assessment.
          1. 50% of students receiving special education services will make or exceed expected growth on the math assessment.
          2. 50% of students identified as multilingual will make or exceed expected growth on the math assessment. 
          3. 50 % of students identified as basic or below basic on the math assessment will meet or exceed expected growth.
        2. Action Steps:
        3. Proposed Expenditures:
          1. Full time teacher for Math Intervention and acceleration.
          2. Para Educator to support students in the math intervention class.
          3. Para Educator to support students below proficient and multilingual students in math.
      3. School Culture:
        1. In the 24-25 school year,  Eastmont will obtain National Demonstration School status from AVID.
          1. Action Step:
            1. As part of demonstration school status, teachers at Eastmont will use intentionality in planning and adding elements of WICOR (Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization and Reading) in their lessons.  This will be measured with WICOR walkthrough data.  
          2. Proposed Expenditures:
            1. Staff to attend AVID summer institute training.
            2. Family AVID quarterly evening activities.
            3. Binders for each student
        2. From data in term 1 and 2 of the 23-24 school year, attendance at Eastmont is 90.81%.  Parent meetings with students who are showing critical attendance issues show the most common reasons for absences are anxiety and depression.  Our goal In the 24-25 school year is to  increase attendance to 93% by providing students a safe space to learn coping skills which will increase their desire to be at school.
          1. Action Step:
            1. Extend allocated hours to full time for our office registrar to monitor the Zen Zone.  
          2. Proposed Expenditures:
            1. Extend allocated hours to full time for our office registrar to monitor the Zen Zone.
  5. Counseling Advisory Committee
    1. Counselors have been in classrooms supporting students in picking classes for next year.
    2. They just finished the Lifelines Suicide Awareness in classrooms.
  6. General Information:
    1. March 7th we will be hosting a AVID family STEM night.
    2. We were approved by the STEM Action Center as a STEM Certified school.  It will be approved by the Utah State Board of Education. 

Motion to adjourn was made by Stephanie Davis and Ashley Higgs seconded the motion.