10100 S. 1300 East
Sandy, Utah 84094

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February 16, 2022 – Minutes

Eastmont School Community Council Agenda

Meeting Details:  February 16, 2022  5:30 p.m.


  • Jen Coccimiglio, Chair (present)
  • Nicole Ford, Vice Chair (present)
  • Lindsey Tait, Parent (present)
  • Allyn Kau, Parent (present)
  • Rachel deAzevedo, Parent (present)
  • Daniel Herzog, Parent (present)
  • Derek Gruander, Parent (present)
  • Julie Taucher, Counselor (present)
  • Stephanie Davis, Teacher (present)
  • Stacy Kurtzhals, Principal (present)
  • Taylor Hansen, Assistant Principal (Secretary) (present)
  • Brooke Rauzon, Assistant Principal (Secretary)
  • Randy Curtis, Teacher (present, not a voting member)


  1. Approval of minutes from January meeting
    1. Stephanie Davis motioned to approve minutes from January
    2. Rachel deAzevedo seconded the motion
    3. The SCC unanimously approved the minutes from January
  2. Review data from current Land Trust plan
    1. Reviewed Reading and Math Inventory
      1. Reviewed proficiency levels
      2. Reviewed percentage of students who have met End-of-Year Growth
      3. Reviewed the percentage of students in Literacy Lab, Math Connections (Math 180), and Math Extensions (back-to-back math classes) who have met end of year growth
      4. Reviewed percentage of students in Special Education Literacy Lab who have met end of year growth
      5. Reviewed data of Proficiency Level Movement (i.e. Basic to Proficient)
      6. The data was aggregated by grades, students with IEPs, Multilingual Learner
    2. Mr. Herzog asked a clarifying question on the Lexile and Reading Inventory
    3. Ms. Tait asked a clarifying question as well about the data
    4. Mr. Herzog asked if the data is satisfactory
      1. Yes.  As Ms. Kurtzhals reviews other school’s data in principal meetings she feels we are doing as well or better than other schools.
    5. Ms. Coccimiglio: cliff note verison: we are pleased with the growth in reading.
    6. Talked about how math growth is not as high as reading.
    7. When compared to other schools we are in the middle of the road for 7th and 8th grade.  We are the highest for 6th grade.
    8. We are seeing a lack of “productive struggle” with math or lack of a “growth mindset” with math.
  3. Reviewed Current TSSP Spending
    1. We cannot hire due to lack of applicants
    2. We are are needing to reallocate funds
    3. Purchasing new headphones for classrooms
    4. Ms. Ford asked a clarifying question on the After School Coordinator position
  4. Propose goals for next year’s TSSP and Land Trust
    1. Council members reviewed proposed reading, math, and writing goals
    2. Mr. Herzog asked a question about the 85% target of students not receiving special education services
    3. Ms. Coccimiglio asked a question about money allocated from substitutes
    4. Ms. Coccimiglio asked for SCC members to review the goals over the next month with the intent of being prepared to suggest any edits and finalize the goals during the March SCC meeting
  5. Follow up on Virtual Fridays discussion
    1. After the attendance call on Friday, we saw a huge increase in students completing Friday learning.
    2. Ms. Ford asked if all schools are marking students absent on Friday if they didn’t do the work
      1. Yes. State Law
  6. Golden Gate Movement
    1. Ms. deAzevedo talked about taking the PTSA student board to the state capitol and learning about the Golden Gate Movement 
    2. The goal/hope is to start a Golden Gate Movement after school association
    3. This is being used in Jordan
    4. Council members are excited about this opportunity
  7. Addressing Communication Questions
    1. A thought on missed communication was the lack of 5th grade orientation last year due to COVID-19 (i.e. 2021)
    2. We had to cancel this orientation again this year due to the COVID-19 surge in January 2022.
    3. Eastmont will try to host a parent-focus group in May to learn how to improve communication on the website, build an Eastmont 101 document, use of Parent Square, etc.
    4. Clarification on 7th grade Math Canvas Course
    5. Question about how or should we communicate to the whole school community about students in our sheltered (self-contained) classes
      1. The council felt that pre-communication is not needed
      2. The council appreciates communication when an incident does happen and the little the school can communicate (i.e. we had a fire-truck at the end of the day due to a student medical emergency)
  8. Counseling / Parent Advisory Committee report
    1. High School registration is over
    2. Still working on getting current 6th and 7th graders course choices in for 2022-23
    3. Ms. Coccimiglio asked if we noticed any change in students going to Alta vs. Jordan.
      1. No noticeable difference
  9. Ms. Ford motioned to adjourn.  Mr. Herzog seconded.

Please excuse any typographical or grammar errors in these notes.  Notes are being taken while striving to actively participate in the SCC.