10100 S. 1300 East
Sandy, Utah 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked MIddle School Badge

Revenge of the Fifth

A Message from Mrs. Kurtzhals

Welcome to the dark side Patriots,

Just kidding, we are definitely the light side.   A couple of reminders for you.


1) It is staff appreciation week.  Thank you for everyone who submitted a video to celebrate our staff.  Our video is linked on our Facebook/Instagram pages as well as the link will be in this email. https://youtu.be/l0FQ-PZfWvk


2)  Speaking of staff appreciation week.  Don’t forget May 5th between 9-2 is Chalk Our Walk.  Come to the bottom parking lot of Eastmont and help us decorate the sidewalks for our staff.  Remember social distancing rules.  The staff will be coming in for lunch on Wednesday and will get to see it all.  In addition we will have a table set up for collections of anything you want to give to our staff.  


3)  I will be attaching information about some classes our district is offering parents and any current 8th grade students interested in participating in Cross Country at Jordan High next year.  


In the wise words of Yoda, do or do not, there is no try.  
Go forth and learn new things.

Now go be nice to your parents.